DSA Travel Allowance

The DSA Travel Allowance helps with any extra travel costs students may have to pay to get to their university or college. The additional cost must be directly related to their disability.

What is the allowance for?

The allowance can be used to cover the cost of taxi fares or mileage costs to and from the student’s home address to their university or college. Remember that this allowance is for any additional cost your incur, so what you can claim is calculated as the actual cost minus any public transport costs non-disabled students would have.

The DSA travel allowance only covers costs related to travel for study (including study abroad or on placements).

If a student needs to travel to their university or college in their own car because of their disability, the funder can pay the difference between the cost of public transport and their mileage costs.

Using taxis

If a student needs to make regular journeys by taxi, it is recommended that they set up an account with a taxi company.

Your DSA funder will include information about setting up taxi accounts with the DSA award letter which will be sent after your DSA Study Needs Assessment.

How do I make a claim?

For Travel Allowance costs, students should complete a Claim for Reimbursement form and return it with receipts.

How will the Travel Allowance be paid?

Your DSA funder will either pay it directly to the supplier (for example, a taxi company) or straight into the student’s bank account.

If you are submitting a receipt, it must include:

  • date of the journey
  • starting address of the journey
  • destination address
  • price
  • travel company’s name
  • travel company’s registered address
  • travel company’s telephone number